(Edited by Daibik Chakraborty and Krischan Jung)
Since he started coaching his children in AYSO soccer, Bill Sutherland has taken a keen and progressive interest in the Torrance community. Over the years, his role in Torrance’s political landscape has increased and expanded, having been in the Torrance City Council for eight years. Before dedicating his time to government policy, Sutherland had started his own business in Torrance as a private painting contractor. After years of successful self-employment and real estate investment, Bill Sutherland has, in recent years, made it a priority to not only be involved in the Torrance recreational community but the political community as well, already having served in the Torrance City Council
Major Issues (Looking to Resolve)
As integral parts of his campaign to run for City Council a second time, Bill Sutherland regards two main issues he wishes to bring to light and determinately resolve. One is the issue of overdevelopment, while the second falls along similar lines with citywide infrastructure and the need to modernize and improve upon it.
Leading his campaign, Sutherland argues that, in terms of city development, there are specific areas of the city that should be left untouched, whether it be for constructional safety or for lack of basic efficiency and purpose. The candidate uses California’s constant earthquake hazards as reason to use caution when cities, like Torrance, choose to expand. Due to past events, Sutherland dreads the ignorance with which construction development is treated, and wishes to include more consideration into city council.
“On the other side of that coin”, quoting Mr. Sutherland, there is also a collective and communal need for the city to grow in terms of keeping up with technology. With this in mind, Sutherland addresses the hundred year old sewage and water pipes of Torrance, believing that it is a priority to replace them in order for Torrance to function properly as it changes from time to time. In another effort to modernize the city, Sutherland hopes to reconfigure the streets, recognizing people’s daily problem with traffic.
In addition, while not condemning individual members of city council, Sutherland chooses to run again in order to bring a variation of opinions and perspectives into a council that he believes is in a derivative state. Regarding Torrance’s city council, Sutherland remains disillusioned with the fact that the same members always vote for the same results, preventing a natural flow of changing leadership.
Bill Sutherland believes strongly in his role of voting for the people, believing that the people are in charge. He wants the citizen's petitions to have real impact in City Council.
For more information about Bill Sutherland, visit:
Website: Sutherland4citycouncil.com
Facebook: Bill Sutherland for Torrance City Council
(Interviewed by Krischan Jung)